The Page Timer shows a small countdown timer at the top right of the screen and are a great way to manage the overall conversation time. Page Timers don't provide a hard stop, but act as a reminder to the group to not spend too much time on any single page.

When the timer reaches zero, a small "Time's Up" message is shown to participants. Participants can also add or subtract minutes, pause the timer and resume it, or simply hide it and ignore it.

Note: Page timers are available only on Breakout Focus and Embed Code pages, and don't work on On-Ramp pages.

Configuring a Page Timer

Select a page and go to Page Settings and check Enable Page Timer.

  • Minutes / Seconds: sets the countdown timer (up to a maximum of 60 minutes)
  • Play Sound When Timer Ends: plays a gentle alert sound when the timer reaches zero

The timer

Alert Message

Timer Controls (for Participants)