A floating embed is a floating window that’s visible in all pages of a conversation and can contain all kinds of embedded HTML. Floating embeds have 3 content types:

  • HTML Embed Code: embed HTML content such as web pages, Google docs, etc.
  • Google Docs Template: this automatically creates one separate document per group based on a template file you choose. Typically used to create a “group notes” document that’s individual for each group.
  • Google Spreadsheet: similar to the “Google Doc” content type, but using a spreadsheet.

Note: When creating a Floating Embed with a Google Docs/Sheets template for the first time, you will be asked to sign in to your Google account and authorize access to your Google Drive files. This is the account you must use to create all other Floating Embeds in the future in all your conversations and cannot be changed; this also means that only the owner of that account can create Floating Embeds using a Google Docs template. This is a known limitation and will get rectified in a future release of the product.

Some example uses of floating embeds:

Create a conversation agenda using a Google document

  1. In the Authoring Environment, go to your conversation and click New Floating Embed
  2. Enter a window title, e.g.: "Agenda"
  3. In Content Type choose HTML Embed Code
  4. Paste the following code in the HTML Embed Code box (replace "your document url" with the edit URL of your Google Document: 
    1. <iframe src="your document url" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>
  5. Make sure the document's permissions are set to "Anyone on the internet with this link can view"
  6. Set the Initial State of the window to "Maximized" so the agenda document will be visible in the middle of the screen when participants join the group.
  7. Click Save

Create a "Group Notes" document where groups can write notes or ideas during the conversation

  1. In the Authoring Environment, go to your conversation and click New Floating Embed
  2. Enter a window title, e.g.: "Group Notes"
  3. In Content Type choose Google Docs Template - this will automatically generate one document per group based on a template document you choose, so each group can have their own individual notes.
  4. Click Select a file from G-Drive and choose a document to use as a template for the group notes
  5. Important: Make sure both the Google Drive folder and the template document itself have the permissions set to "Anyone on the internet with this link can edit"
  6. Set the Initial State of the window to "Maximized" so the group notes document will be visible in the middle of the screen when participants join the group.

Note: when using the "Google Docs Template" content type, the automatically generated files by each group are saved in the same folder as the template document.

Location: Conversation > New Floating Embed